Sunday, March 22, 2009


A message in a bottle is perhaps one of the most desperate means of sending for help. It is also quite possibly one of the most eloquent. The sender has no means of choosing where the message will go nor how the recipient will respond. In a time when important information can be sent almost instantaneously through electronic means, it is easy to forget the impact of tactile communication. A few days ago we sent some of these babies out to sea, let us know if you've seen them around!

A little tune to add to your viewing experience.

Who's Who: Pablo Pineda

For those currently watching us live on UStream right now (March 22nd on a bright beautiful Sunday in Brooklyn), welcome!

Less than a week to the big day and continuing on Who's Who for our participating artists, meet Pablo Pineda. He's been halfway around the world and back while photographing the journey for the past eleven years. The world in its entirety is what fuels his passion for life as he captures the places, faces and objects that are the collective visuals that give a personality to a country or city....

State the facts: Name, Age, Hometown
Pablo Pineda, 35, Mexico City

What's your genre and where did you pick up your art?
Graphics and Packaging, Art Center College of Design

Tell us something about yourself...
Happenstance has played a leading role in my life; it launched me out of my cradle and into our big world: Mexico-LA-Tokyo-NewYork. Happenstance has made me stumble into people who have changed my life and it will continue to point the way. My photography is purely a record of Her having her way with me.

If you have to pick one of your best works, what would it be?
I stumbled into the writings of Krishnamurti one day by opening a random book at the public library. This helped congeal many loose philosophies in my mind. What came out was a sketch for  a poster i did while in school. The poster never lived up to the sketch though.

If you could send help to anything, anyone, anytime, anywhere. what would it be?
I would like to sprinkle magic dust to eradicate one thing from the world: Corruption. Without corruption the world would have a chance for all the good the people are already doing to have some effect.

See more of Pablo's works and photos